Abby Visits with the Garden Dragons

Our garden has always been guarded by three garden dragons. The dragons are cleverly named Norbert, Norbert and … you guessed it … Norbert. It’s easier to get their names right that way. Abby decided to sit and have a little chat with the Norberts in an attempt to get to know them better.


Abby meets Cooper

One of the exciting things that happened at Bancroft was a visit from Cooper. Abby looks forward to spending lots more time with Cooper. The two had to meet inside because the fields had just be fertilized. I am sure they will both be on the sidelines cheering on the spring sports teams.


Abby visits school

Abby had two big days on Thursday and Friday as she made her first visits to Bancroft School. Hanging around VEX robots that make a lot of noise gave her a lot to think about but she handled the new environment very well. Abby’s solution for stress … take a nap! When Abby is out and about on campus she likes to take time to smell the flowers.
